
How Does Online Advertising Works?

Have you ever wonder why is online advertising is so popular nowadays? Everyone keeps saying that every business needs to be online. In this article, we will help you to answer this: How is online advertising is different from other types of advertising? Why is online advertising important for YOUR business. How does it work?…

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Gmail Sponsored Promotions. Is it Worthy To Spent On?

Gmail Sponsored Promotion ads

Gmail Sponsored Promotions? Describing anything as a “Game Changer” is a bold statement, I know. But, I believe Gmail is changing the game of paid media advertising, here’s how. As a search engine marketer, I’m used to brands approaching me to increase their lead volume through paid media. I love this because it’s in some…

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7 Things U.S President Do Before Launching Retargeting Campaign

launching retargeting campaign

Launching Retargeting Campaign? Here are 7 Things you need to know before launching retargeting campaign. We already talked about some tips on launching retargeting campaigns. To make it clearer, we decided to close up with a summary of the best practices on retargeting campaigns. Well, you might come here because of the Mr President. Sorry for the…

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5 Hacks to Kickass your Retargeting Campaign

5 hacks to kickass your retargeting campaign

5 Hacks to Kickass your Retargeting Campaign Retargeting campaigns like any other marketing strategy has proved to be effective with certain techniques and strategies. Read this blog post to know all about the most effective remarketing tools to get the best results. Some of this tools are embedded in the different sites to manage marketing…

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Facebook Retargeting Campaign

facebook retargeting campaign by dripshot digital marketing malaysia

Facebook Retargeting Campaign Facebook is one of the most popular platforms to set a retargeting campaign. Since it is a very popular social network, its usage is extensive. It is important that you read the following information carefully so that you take the most of this valuable marketing tool.   What you need to get…

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Types Of Retargeting Campaigns That You Should Know!

Types of retargeting campaign dripshot digital marketing tutorial

Types of Retargeting Campaigns and Different Online Platforms There is a different types of retargeting campaigns and different online platforms. Next, we will talk about the objectives you could set on your retargeting campaign, and some sites where you can start your it. Chose the platform depending on your objectives and your audience’s habits.  …

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Retargeting 101: Why You Should Use Retargeting

Why you should use retargeting campaign by dripshot digital marketing expert tutorial

Chapter 1. The Benefits of a Retargeting Campaign Retargeting is a strategy that can benefit your online business. It makes use of certain tools to re-engage those visitors that were not converted. You can expect an average 2% conversion on the people getting to your site the first time, but with retargeting, this rate can…

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